Wednesday, June 22, 2011

An update on how this is going

Short version, the more I sing, the more range I get. When I started the easiest scale for me to sing was G to G. That is bottom line of the bass clef to to top space of the bass clef. I could go to the Eb below that low G and to the D above the higher.

Now the most comfortable scale for me to sing is Bb to Bb. That is from The flatted second line of the bass clef to the space above. I've lost something on the low end as I can no longer reliably hit that Eb but I can get the f just above it with good projection. It's on the top end where I can no go as far as the G that corresponds to the second line on the treble clef. That is two octaves and a one full step.

My ear is also getting better. So not much blogging but lots of great progress on the actual singing front.

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