Saturday, April 16, 2011

Progress report

One of the shocking discoveries I have made about songs is that we don't really know melodies nearly as well as we think we do. There are songs we know and love and that we think we know very well. Why we have heard them thousands of times, we even own a copy that we can play on the sound system any time we want. But try and sing it and we find out we don't really have it.

(By the way, when someone who normally can sing on key suddenly goes off key, I suspect that more often than not it is because he or she really doesn't know the melody of the song they are singing.)

So, anyway, after losing a week of practice to construction, I spent this week realizing that I didn't really have the melody to the Doxology down and have been working mostlyon that.

Now to memorize the chords and words.

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